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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beautiful August Day

The hot weather is taking a day off. The temps today are in the 70-80 range with low humidity, sunshine and a breeze. These are the days that one has to remember when the snow piles are over your head and you think you will never see the grass again.
Just did some alterations on some sundresses for the winner of the Lake County fair pageant. She needed them done quickly because she was headed downstate for the State Fair and lunch with the governor. When she tried them on after I finished she was so happy. She said that her mom said they looked like muumuus on her when she tried them on in the store. Now they fit her like a glove and showed off her pretty figure. What a difference an inch or two makes. Now to try to make my mom's dress for my son's wedding look better on her. First I will shorten it and then I will see what can be done for the shoulders.
Finished redoing a headboard cover for a client and now starting on the seat cushion cover. The old one was so dirty. Why would a company make something that can't be taken off and washed when you are designing it for a kid's room? Not only will the new one be removable but it is made from a Sunbrella fabric which can be washed. If you haven't seen what Sunbrella is doing with fabrics you should really check them out. They even have velvet like fabrics that can be used outdoors.
It was so nice to run in cooler weather this morning. I did a 5K race on Saturday and the humidity was just awful. But all my training in the heat paid off because I was first in my age group. It wasn't a PR but with the heat and humidity I wasn't surprised.
Below is a photo of some bridal 'emergency bags' that I made. I embroidered them with the date of the wedding and then sewed up the bag. My daughter then stuffed them with all the things a bride might need on her big day such as bobby pins, tissues, hairspray, safety pins, etc. I know that when she gave it to my future daughter-in-law she was so touched by the thoughtfulness.

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