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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jacket Challenge #3

Here is jacket number three from Textile Studio Capri Jacket pattern. Over ten years ago I bought some winter white wool and lining to make a jacket. I had made an original one but shrunk it when I accidentally washed it. I never got around to making it and when I was looking at the pattern I was going to use I am glad I never did. It was a boxy, unstructured jacket and would certainly not fit now.

Some more digging through the stash revealed some lace, buttons and Ultrasuede strips that I was going to use to decorate a vest. I had bought these in 1993 (receipt was still with the items). Also in the stash was a beautiful needlepoint iris I had stitched out, again bought in 1993. I figure having aged almost 18 years they were ready to be used ;-)

I first centered the iris on the back of the jacket, stitched it down and then added a 'frame' of Ultrasuede. Added a lace strip down the front and the other piece of lace was used to make a 'collar' for the back of the jacket.

To line the jacket using a pattern that didn't have a lining I just cut the lining the same as the jacket. Then I finished the facing pieces with a turned under edge and just laid them on top of the lining pieces and stitched them down. I stitched together the jacket pieces and the lining pieces so I now had 2 'jackets'. I sewed them together around the facing pieces, turned and understitched. Then serged the edges together and hemmed as usual. Not the most conventional way to line a jacket but it was quick and easy. Added the buttons and then used snaps for closure because I didn't want to have to try to button through with all those different shapes of buttons that I had.

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